Sorry it's been a while since I've posted, but I'm back. I've added an Outer banks countdown clock on the left side of the page. The seconds are ticking away.
Everyone please pray for Tom Zimmerman. As most of you know he's in the hospital and his heart is only pumping at about 5 percent of capacity. He currently has a device that is pumping for him. You can read more about it at this web site.
Heart DeviceLast word was he had not regained consciousness. He was being sedated while they treated him.
On another note. Below are a couple of pictures I took recently at the Washington and Lincoln Monuments at night. Tonight there was a double rainbow over the Washington Monument, but by the time I got my camera the rainbow was tiny. I got a couple of pictures but I don't have the right cord with me to get it out of my camera. I'll put it up soon. Click these pics to make them larger.