Friday, September 26, 2008

And the next President is.....

I promise to write more often. And I think today's topic is timely. The first presidential debate just ended, so I think I'll stick to politics. But I'm going to shift away from the Presidential Candidates and instead turn my attention to one of the VP hopefuls. If you are considering voting for John McCain, which I am, first consider the following interview with Sarah Palin. I know she gets a bad rap sometimes but really, I could answer these questions better than she did and I know virtually nothing about politics. This interview is painful at best, and sheds some light on her potential ability as a world leader.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


The bank accepted an offer we made on a house in Bristow, Virginia. So hopefully we actually have a place to live now. Our house in Mentor is supposed to close on October 6 and we should close on the new house on September 22nd. That will give us some time to get things ready before we move in. We have to replace some carpeting and do some painting.

If you want to see pictures CLick here to see a slideshow or virtual tour of the new house.

You're all invited to stay on the way down to the Outer Banks. You don't even have to go through DC. There's plenty of room.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sad News

We've received some sad news. Tim Wargo, Aunt Catherine Ann's oldest son passed away. He had a stroke. No regular funeral is planned but instead his wishes were to have a celebration of his life at his home. That celebration will either be Friday or Saturday in Waitesville, Vertmont. Please keep the Wargo family in your prayers.

Tim was a Doctor.
CLick here to read his medical biography.